
It used to be a district of Ankara before, now it is a city itself too. It is known as weapon production centre. Its districts are Bahşili, Balışeyh, Çelebi, Delice, Karakeçili, Keskin, Sulukyurt and Yahşihan. Turkish – Islam Works Küçükşami Cami, Şeyh Turbeh, Sarıkız Turbeh, Tokuş Sultan Turbeh ans Kalekışla Castle in Sulakyurt district and Şeyh Şamil Mosque in the city centre are places of visit. The tomb of Şeyh Şamil, the founder of the city, Is on a high platform near this Mosque. Kalekis Cave in the town and Şeydin Tepesi (Hill) and Gültepe Höyük (Tumulus) are of cultural values. Hasandede Mosque and Turbeh are 12 km from the city centre and are side by side. The Hasantepe Mosque is known to have been built in 1605. There are numerous tombs in the vicinity. These are Küçükafşar Turbeh, Tokuş Baba Turbeh (Delice District, between Çatallı Village and Kaya Village), Halil Dede Turbeh (Çelebi district, 1 -km from Halil Dede Village) and are visited by the local people as places of prayers. The Çeşnigir Bridge is a Seljuk work from XIII century. There is weapon museum of M.K.E.K., the weapon factory in the city. You can buy hand woven tapestry and heybe (local saddle bags) being local specialities.

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